Smart Materials & Manufacturing 4.0 (Seminar Project)

As part of the Seminar course (MM396), I researched on the different types of smart materials and their relevance with Manufacturing 4.0 in focus. I developed an official report and delivered a presentation to my guide and the examiner.

Terrorism: Data Analysis & Predictive Modelling

This was a Data Science (DS203) course project done in pairs. After literature survey, we analysed the Global Terrorism Database with effective visualisations. Thereafter, we built predictive Machine Learning models using country-wise annual data from other sources on political, social and economic factors influencng terrorism.

Columbia Disaster & Learnings from Failure

This was a Term Paper Project done in team as part of the course MM327: Mechanical Behaviour of Materials. We investigated why and how did the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster occur. We analysed the materials used in the structure and their functions. Specifically, I demonstrated how the failure analysis of materials was carried out and the conclusions derived from it. We highlighted the learnings from this mission’s failure.

Battery Cycle Life Prediction (Internship Project)

Coulomb AI is a startup in Battery Data Intelligence. I learnt and developed machine learning models for predicting the battery (cycle) life as a ML research intern.

Hydrogen Storage Technologies (Internship Project)

As part of my summer internship at Airbus, I presented a comparative analysis of hydrogen storage materials for aviation, after going through research papers.

2D Materials (Literature Review Project)

As part of Maths & Physics Club’s Summer of Science, I researched on 2D Materials with focus on graphene and energy storage and documented my study as a report.

Photoelasticity (Term Paper Presentation)

This project was done in a team as part of Term Paper Presentation for the course MM203: Mechanics of Materials. We analysed research papers on photoelasticity involving quantitative stress measurement, visualisation & interpretation. We explored concepts of birefringence, stress isoclinics & isochromatics and I specifically studied the types of stresses in glass. We delivered a presentation to explain it to our class and I demonstrated the specific application of photoelasticity to determine stresses in glass.

High Energy Density Magnetic Materials

As part of the In-Semester Undergraduate Research Project, I researched on rare-earth-free permanent magnet systems (Mn-Al-C and MnBi) with high energy densities.

Tabbing App (Web-App Development Project)

As part of Web & Coding Club’s Seasons of Code, I developed a web app for debate tournaments using Django framework (HTML+Python+CSS) in a team of 3 students.

Reusing Waste Milk Bags (Course Project)

This was a group course project for MM152: Materials & Technology. We collected waste milk bags from hostel mess, washed them and cut-out uniformly-sized pieces. Utilising the hydrophobic nature of LDPE, the material from which these bags are made, we developed an eco-friendly raincoat at low cost by welding such pieces. We used a hot air gun to melt the edges of these cut-outs and simultaneously applied metal roller to join them. Later we successfully tested its strength & hydrophobicity under a shower.