Computational & Data Science
- Informatics Practices (2 years @ DPSV)
- MA 105 - Calculus
- MA 106 - Linear Algebra
- MA 108 - Differential Equations
- MA 214 - Numerical Analysis
- Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking
- CS 101 - Computer Programming & Utilization
- 10xIIT - Python & OOP Concepts
- MM 220 - Computation Lab
- MM 217 - Data Analysis & Interpretation
- 10xIIT - Elementary Data Structures & Algorithms
- DS 203 - Programming for Data Science
- CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
- CS 419 - Introducing to Machine Learning
- PH 534 - Quantum Information & Computing
- ME 604 - Introduction to Robotics
- IE 609 - Mathematical Optimisation Techniques
- IE 643 - Deep Learning: Theory & Practice
- CS 772 - DL for Natural Language Processing
- ME 789 - Computational Tools for Process Modeling
- Materials Data Sciences & Informatics
- ME 793 - Multiscale Materials Informatics, Discovery & Design
Materials Science & Engineering
- MM 152 - Materials & Technology
- MM 201 - Structure of Materials
- MM 203 - Mechanics of Materials
- MM 204 - Transport Phenomena
- MM 209 - Thermodynamics of Materials
- MM 212 - Metallography & Structural Characterisation Lab
- MM 215 - Experimental & Measurement Lab
- ME 220 - Theory of Machines & Machine Design
- MM 305 - Kinetics of Processes
- MM 312 - Heat Treatment Lab
- MM 318 - Electronic Properties of Materials
- MM 320 - Process Metallurgy Principles
- MM 322 - Casting & Joining Lab
- MM 323 - Manufacturing Processes Lab
- MM 325 - Phase Transformations
- MM 327 - Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
- MM 357 - Ceramics & Powder Metallurgy
- MM 359 - Metal Casting & Joining
- MM 362 - Mechanical Testing Lab
- MM 406 - Semiconductor Devices & Processing
- MM 426 - Equipment & Processes Design Lab
- MM 435 - Instrumentation & Controls Lab
- MM 439 - Iron & Steel Making
- MM 448 - Thin Films Lab
- MM 451 - Instrumentation & Process Control Theory
- MM 453 - Engineering Polymers & Composites
- MM 454 - Corrosion & Protection of Materials
- MM 462 - Corrosion & Protection Lab
- MM 474 - Science & Technology of Thin Films
- AEASM1x - Introduction to Aerospace Structures & Materials
- HS 101 - Introduction to Economics
- ES 200 - Environmental Science & Engineering
- ENT 201 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- ENT 207 - Business Fundamentals for Technopreneurs
- New Models for Business in Society
- MG 401 - Marketing Management
- MG 402 - Human Resource Management
- MG 403 - Accounting & Finance
- MG 405 - Project Management
- MG 406 - Operations Management
- CL 669 - Product Research & Development